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Working Collaboratively

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Plymouth City Council wants to evolve from a traditional style landowner to a supportive curator of spaces enabling communities to be proactive supporters.  Jointly we will then be able to design a new model of stewardship over the Green Estate. 

We will do this through:

  • Developing wider and stronger partnerships with the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector. 
  • Improving communications
  • Improving the use of digital technology and data

Throughout this project we will look to do the following:

Community and Social EnterpriseChild playing in one of the Local Nature Reserves

Understand, develop and pilot new approaches to working with local communities to improve and encourage relationships with the green estate

Build capacity within the community through a systems leadership approach, training and community volunteering programmes

The Council to evolve from a traditional style landowner to a supportive curator - where along with the community we can jointly foster a new model of stewardship across the green estate 


Improve the way we communicate with our audience through various mediums including social media and face to face onsite interactions

Research and engage in new innovative communication approaches

Reach new users, understand what information people want; to enable them to engage in the green estate and understand any barriers to this, through approaches including appreciative inquiry and sentiment analysis. 

Social media communication outlets

Identify any gaps in the Council's current communications and piloting ways to bridge those gaps 

Enable staff on all levels to feed in to the communication of our work around the city – including posting to social media, talking to the general public, gathering insight and data onsite. This may include upskilling and the availability of tech.

Data and Tech

We will build on existing data around usage, attitudes and perceptions of parks and our services, to gather a baseline. The data will identify gaps in usage and help inform particular groups that should be a focus for the project

Design creative and engaging ways to visualise parks data on our various media outlets

Identifying more effective ways to engage people through digital technology and data sharing